Trauma Sensitive Yoga – 7 Weeks Program

From $315.00

Other Details

– There will be a short 10 – 15 minutes phone interview before joining the program. The purpose of the interview is to share more about the program, answer potential questions you may have and to assess if this program is suitable.
– A minimum of 4 people per program (full refund applicable)

– Each session is 1.5 hours.

– Fees for 7 weeks TCSTY program is a sliding scale from $315 – $430 per person. You are welcome to reflect on your socio economic resources and choose how much you would like to contribute.
– This is a closed group program to ensure predictability and safety; the first 2 weeks are open so participants are welcome to join or leave in the first 2 weeks with refund.

Class will begin when there is a minimum of 4 people, maximum 6 people.


This group program incorporates the practice of TCTSY and other techniques such as grounding, reflection and meditation to help you build experiences of empowerment, practice choice-making and present moment experiences.

You can cultivate a more positive relationship to your own body by practicing physical shapes (modified hatha yoga), movement and trauma-sensitive breathing practices in an environment that cultivates safety.

Krisa is accredited with the 7 month 300 hours Trauma Centre Trauma Sensitive Yoga Teaching Training Certification and has been facilitating regular TCTSY programs for both adults and adolescents. No physical, hands-on assists are used in class as the emphasis is on the internal experiences and not on external appearance or “doing things right”. Chairs, mats and blankets are provided and the entire class can be practiced using a chair if preferred.